Here Are Three Tips That Will Make You a Better SEO Consultant

by Gabriela

The race is always burgeoning to get higher search rankings and better SEO outcomes in the digital marketing space. For small businesses and startups, search traffic is nothing short of a lifeline. A company with a good SEO strategy allows itself to be free of burdens of huge marketing budgets. With organic traffic trickling in, the room for greater savings in marketing budgets increases.

However, SEO is no easy puzzle to crack. It brings in its own intricacies which may not be as easy to handle as other parts of digital marketing such as social media marketing and so on.

To handle their SEO planning, strategy, management. and execution, many companies end up hiring SEO consultants. In a statement released by the Delhi Courses Academy says that, Many marketing heads at big companies try keeping a lean in-house digital marketing team in order to hire external agencies who can bring fresh ideas to the table. Small companies also hire consultants to structure their SEO strategy and practice from scratch.

Many digital marketing institutes offer informal training to students on how to work as consultants in the field.

If you’re someone who has learned SEO and digital marketing and have the experience of creating highly trafficked websites and blogs, SEO consulting is a seriously good career choice. In this article, we discuss three crucial tips that are likely to make you a much better SEO consultant and increase your chances of being hired.

Become Good at Explaining SEO to Your Clients

As a consultant, your first task will be convincing clients to hire you. This will basically involve you explaining to clients the value you are bringing to the table say DCA.

Before meeting the client, study the website you may be given to manage later. Make a list of all the problems the website has. These problems could be anything, from content and keyword-related to website-oriented. By pointing out these deficiencies to the client, you immediately give the impression that you’ve already started working.

This can be followed by asking a series of questions about the company. Remember, when meeting a client or even talking on the phone, a consultant must give the impression that he/she is taking the position very seriously and already considering a slew of measures to establish an SEO structure.

Never Be Vague. Offer Clear Solutions

The problem many consultants from being hired is that they are too vague with their analysis. When presented with a problem, giving generic answers such as ‘content needs to be improved’ or ‘keywords are not accurate’ are not appreciated. Be specific and clear with your answers.

In other words, if the content is the problem, offer a clear path forward. Suggest a content strategy detailing how you would approach content creation. The same is true for offering solutions to other domains such as link building and keyword research.

Bring Clarity on the Goals of the Campaign

Many clients chose not to rehire an SEO consultant they hired earlier. This is usually because their partnership ended on a sour note before. This only happens when an SEO consultant is not able to meet the expectations.

Thus, it is wise to be clear on the goals of an SEO campaign and strategy from day one. Clarity on the goals of the campaign ensures that both the client and the consultant are clear about the objective. When the campaign ends, an SEO consultant is naturally viewed in a positive light.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers three important tips for those looking to become SEO consultants.

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